Today Me and family reaches out to100 needy families

We in the ME AND FAMILY community are really happy as we continue to impact families positively during this hard times.

Bill Gates in his annual AMA (Ask Me Anything) has been popular with questions and answers. Asked what makes him happy, he mentioned four things.

  1. Stay true to your commitments.
  2. Give generously – no matter your wealth.
  3. Give your body the respect it deserves.
  4. Spend more time with your family.

So let’s talk about his second point of give generously no matter your wealth. While you might not have billions to set aside for philanthropy, everyone can contribute something to help other people.

All too often people imagine they’ll give generously when they have more wealth to spare, but with that approach you risk coming to the end of your life without ever having truly contributed to an important cause.

On the other hand, start now with whatever time or money you can spare and you’ll be able to look back on a legacy of generosity that make the world a better place says Bill Gates.

So on this, i give it to coach Pullar who took his time and resources to create this website up and running. It is because of you giving of your time and resources that today we have been able to reach the one hundred (100) families with shopping hampers that will help them for many days ahead. In kiswahili language we say ASANTE SANA to you coach.

To our partners at ME AND FAMILY, a big thank you for living true to the words of Bill Gates, one of the biggest philanthropist/giver of our time. Thank for giving not because you have spare to give but because you believe in humanity solidarity during this hard times.